A Peek Inside : 365 days - A visual diary of my mind
This has been a project that has been a long time in the making. I have struggled with depression over the years and one of the biggest helps in overcoming these dark times has been the support of a close knit group of friends who have been through similar experiences. Their sharing of feelings, coping strategies and support have been fundamental in my recovery and growing towards a stronger sense of self.
But most of all they have allowed me to see depression for the absolute gift it is. It has forced me to confront my life, to face my fears and make the changes that society made so difficult to break free from.
365 days of a visual diary, baring all, how I feel. I hope this helps others realise they are not alone - that its ok to talk about, in fact the more we all share our experiences the better we can protect our mental health.
A 32 page full colour newspaper recording a year in my life through oil pastels and emotional openess.